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Work with your community

Work with your community

  • Becoming a member of Neighbourhood Watch means you have taken the first step to making your area a stronger and safer place to be. We encourage you to connect with your neighbours and others within your community who also share your desire to help others.

Crime prevention advice

Crime prevention advice

  • We send regular updates about ways you can make your home and neighbourhood safer from crime.

Support your local police

Involvement with your local police

  • Direct contact to your local police who will provide your local crime information and meet with you and your neighbours to discuss prevention and solutions.
  • Help at community events with distributing brochures to the public on home security and crime prevention, participate in Safe Plate Days (installing one-way screws into number plates), Coffee with a Cop and a range of other community events that your group chooses to be involved with.

Advice and support for joining or starting a group

Advice and support for joining or starting a group

  • A Neighbourhood Watch group is a number of community-minded individuals, in the same suburb, road or area, with a coordinator to manage the group to ensure that members are kept up to date with local issues. If you are unsure of how to contact your local group, we can put you in contact. If there's no group in your area, we provide support to help you and other community-minded people in your area get underway.
  • As an accredited group you also have contact to other groups in your Local Government Area and nearby – to support each other at events, or just to give a helping hand in running your group.
  • The NHW Victoria head office provides support with regard to administration, financial management, marketing, governance and more.

Access to a range of ready-made campaigns and toolkits

Access to a range of ready-made campaigns and toolkits

  • Exclusive access to our Membership Platform which contains quality content – articles, social media posts, images, presentations – about various aspects of crime prevention that you can in turn circulate to your group members and the general community.
  • Access to training material on topics such as how to source advertisers for your newsletters, using social media, driving membership, connecting to your local community.
  • Access to contact details for local community organisations within your LGA (currently in Whittlesea, Hume, Melton and Wyndham – more to come)
  • How to Guides for NHW events such as Safe Plate Days, Coffee with a Cop, Neighbour Connect Days, and more

Members' Forums

Members' Forums

  • We hold several Forums available to members and groups to increase their knowledge base. The Forums are held online or face-to-face (and sometimes as a hybrid event), with speakers covering topics such as cyber crime, insights into neighbourhood policing, how the 000 emergency system works, why being a good neighbour is an important contribution to the community.


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